Monday, April 28, 2008

MM Vol 1 - 004 - Default

MM Vol 1 #004
"Wasting My Time"

Genre:Alt Rock
art by end0rphine
With Mellow Mix Vol 1 coming to a conclusion (or beginning for some) I can become a bit reflective. 2001 was very much a roller coaster year for me, up one week with euphoria and the next week deflated & lost. It might seem apparent with the songs so far that I come across as a manic depressive, but in all honestly, I'm not even remotely that type of person. I know I wasn't, but maybe my soul was .... who knows. With being in love, someone once said "The fantasy of a romance that is seperated by distance was worth more than the everyday life of being with someone when the mundane seconds ticked by". So being me, who sees only black and white, the concept of that thought went right over my head, out the door and over the rooftops far away (as duran duran once said). I have always proclaimed to be a genius, just not a smart one. So as time went by, I now understand the statement, and the funny thing is, I always felt I was Wasting My Time.
we sold a few yanno
Default's debut album, The Fallout, sounds like a souvenir of the mid-'90s. Much like the second-generation grunge bands of that era -- Silverchair, Seven Mary Three, and Bush, to name a few -- this Canadian quartet sports a thick, buzzy guitar sound (courtesy of producer Rick Parasher of Pearl Jam and Alice in Chains fame) and a frontman whose mannered singing is equal parts Eddie Vedder, Maynard Keenan, and Layne Staley. With any lingering whiffs of danger or subversiveness that may be associated with those mentors airbrushed out of the picture, The Fallout provides a non-threatening option for those who seek the stylistic affectations of grunge rock, but wish to avoid all of the substance or excitement of its first generation. Default plays competently and the music sounds fine, but they simply have little to offer in the way of originality, which can also be said of a band like Creed, who nevertheless has millions of fans. ~ [Andy Hinds, All Music Guide]
Not the worlds best review is it? However, at this time period there were many bands with a same degree of sound all vieing for that top dog position. At least there is no doubting the song "Wasting My Time" was pure class .... even if Nickelback & Creed dominated 2001/2002, and oddly, who you all pretend to hate now.
For Silverchair see Number 019
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